Book Abarth service

Keeping your Abarth in prime condition is easier than ever when booking servicing with WLMG. Our service booking tool will enable you to schedule an appointment at a time that suits you. Simply complete a few details about you and your vehicle and select the date and time that is convenient. We’ll be in touch to confirm your booking.

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More about servicing

Servicing at WLMG is among the finest around, with our team of experienced technicians fully trained to work across the full Abarth range. With access to state-of-the-art tools and equipment, plus a selection of manufacturer-approved parts and accessories, we will complete any work efficiently and affordably. 

Don’t want to use the form?

You can liaise with a member of the WLMG aftersales team directly in order to schedule an appointment at your leisure. Simply pick up the phone or use the live chat feature on our website to make your next service booking.

Live Chat Instant booking and contact without the wait!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a car service?


​Car servicing is an extensive check of all key features of your vehicle, ensuring there are no underlying issues in need of repair. It checks such elements as tyres, brakes, lighting, oil levels, emissions, and more.

How much is a car service?


The cost of servicing varies depending on the type of service and the make and model of the car. Please speak to a member of the team today to discuss the costs associated with WLMG servicing.

Why should you service your car?


Servicing your car helps identify any issues that may lead to future problems as well as those that may impact safety. Plus, selected purchase agreements may require you to meet this obligation, while resale value of the model will also be affected according to service records.

How often should you change your oil?


It’s ideal to change your oil every 5,000 miles and in preparation for longer journeys and seasonal weather changes.

How do I know when my car needs servicing?


You will be alerted to your next service through the car’s service warning light appearing on the dashboard.

Do I have to get my car serviced by a main dealer?


No, but doing so has many advantages. For example, you can rely on the technicians to follow manufacturer guidelines and have access to all the latest parts and accessories for your Abarth vehicle.

At what mileage should a car be serviced?


Your car should ideally be serviced every 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes soonest. 

What happens if you don’t get your car serviced?


Servicing will help identify any issues that may compromise the safety or performance of your car, and should never be overlooked. Plus, failing to service may be a breach of the terms of any purchasing agreement you have in place and impact the future resale value of the model.

What is the difference between MOT and service?


A service is an optional undertaking whereas an MOT is a legal requirement for all models aged over three years, and should be conducted every 12 months.

How long does an MOT take?


A typical MOT test will take between 45-60 minutes to complete.

What does MOT stand for?


Ministry of Transport.

When does my car need an MOT?


If your vehicle is over three years of age, you will require an MOT test every 12 months in order to be road legal.